Adult Ministries

In growing up it is clear that adults go through many changes in a normal life span of seventy to eighty years or more. At Setauket we agree that it is important that adults be given choices in the types of programs and ministry opportunities offered to them. Presently we are in the process of exploring and implementing an intentional and comprehensive system for forming adult disciples that will include the following elements.
Study settings within the program of Christian education are an essential ministry of the local church and should be high in your priorities for adult ministry. Christian education and formation settings may include weekday Bible study, short-term classes on specific topics of current interest, workshops, leader training, and various small groups. Learning is central to discipleship formation and growth. To be a disciple is to be a “learner.” Therefore, an adequate program for adults will include a variety of opportunities for them to learn and grow.
Spiritual Growth Groups
Spiritual growth groups and opportunities are at the heart of our church’s ministry. Small groups established for short- or long-term spiritual development such as Companions in Christ and events such as the Walk to Emmaus lead to other opportunities for Christian spiritual support and growth.
Nurture and Fellowship
Many adults come to church primarily for fellowship. Our church offers a special kind of fellowship that cannot be found in just any group or organization. As the “body of Christ,” we are concerned about one another so that when “one member suffers, all suffer together,” and when “one member is honored, all rejoice together” (1 Corinthians 12:26). Adults need to feel cared for, and they need to care for others. This dual need can be partly met by fellowship groups and activities in the church. Our Fellowship opportunities will be especially significant for single adults of all ages, adults who live alone, and older adults who may be cut off from other family members and former work colleagues. Many adult classes have regular fellowship suppers and other social affairs that meet at other times besides Sunday mornings.
Support and Accountability
Support and accountability settings provide growth opportunities in safe, nurturing environments where adults encourage, support, and hold one another accountable around challenges of daily living and Christian discipleship. Our spiritually inspired leaders and supportive parishioners move adult fellowship to deeper, more meaningful ministry levels in settings where adults discuss life experiences and reflect from a faith perspective on relationships, health issues, career and professional choices, vocational transitions, and life-stage transitions.
Mission and Service
Mission and service opportunities are a critical component of sending adults back into the community and world to live as disciples of Christ. Some avenues of service are available through our annual conference. Others might be Habitat for Humanity, Meals on Wheels, feeding the hungry, visiting the homebound and those in nursing home or long-term care facilities, tutoring children and youth, and a variety of outreach ministries that we may find helpful.
Leader Development
Leader development is another essential and effective element of our adult ministry. Those who are asked to assume responsibilities in the church are provided with training and orientation for their jobs. Equipping people for leadership in the church and for leadership in the community is an essential part of adult ministry.
From Adult Ministries 2009–2012. Copyright © 2008 by Cokesbury. Used by permission.